The new year is right around the corner and everyone is making goals for the new year! Exercise and weight loss goals are popular goals to make, but can be difficult to stick to.
But what if there was a quicker, less time consuming way to reach your goals? Well, we’d like to introduce your new trainer, the EmScuplt Neo. Emsculpt NEO offers hard core results with zero downtime. It blends high intensity muscle toning with fat reduction to offer targeted results. The best part is that you can see results in as little as four, 30-minute sessions. Here at Akin Aesthetics & Wellness we offer Emsculpt NEO services to everyone in the South Jordan, Riverton, West Valley, Lehi, Draper, Sandy and Salt Lake area!

What is Emsculpt NEO?
EmSculpt NEO is a non-invasive body shaping treatment that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building. It emits both radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies into the targeted area for maximum effectiveness. The end result is fat reduction alongside muscle growth.
How does Emsculpt NEO work?
Emcculpt NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF (radiofrequency) and HIFEM+ (high-intensity electromagnetic energies).
Fat Reduction: The radiofrequency causes warmth and heats the treatment area. Think of it as your warmup to loosen your muscles to prepare for your workout. This heat cycling also causes apoptosis - where the fat subcutaneous fat cells are broken down and discarded from the body.
Muscle Growth: HIFEM+ energy causes heavy contractions in the muscle fibers. Not only are these contractions happening while you’re in a relaxed position, but they are stronger than can be achieved with voluntary muscle exercise. The extreme stress of the contraction forces the muscle to adapt. The result is an increase in the number of muscle fibers and cells and increased growth.
What are the benefits of non-surgical body contouring?
Less chance of risks/complications
No downtime
Quick and easy appointments
Lower cost
Long term and targeted results
Targets stubborn areas
Considering non-surgical body contouring to reach your goals in 2023?
If you’ve been considering body sculpting to help with your confidence, we hope this blog has helped you to discover its benefits. To find out if body sculpting is a good fit for you, scheduling a complimentary consultation to make sure that you're a good candidate. If your water levels are at a healthy level, we are able to start your treatments that same day! Give us a call at 801-837-3125 or book online today :)
Utah Med Spa | Riverton Med Spa | South Jordan Med Spa | Draper Med Spa | Salt Lake Med Spa | Emsculpt | Emsculpt NEO | Emsculpt NEO near me | Utah Emsculpt Neo | Body Contouring | Body Contouring near me